The web and SEO moves on all the time. This post was originally written in 2015 and updated in 2018 and 2019 to include some of the latest techniques.
One of the most enjoyable parts of my job is training marketing departments and agencies. They tend to be full of enthusiastic, energetic people who don’t mind asking questions and are full of exciting ideas.
From experience, I’ve found that most marketers have a good idea of what SEO is but their knowledge is either a little out of date or they don’t really understand the concept of how modern SEO fits in with their content efforts.
Modern marketers are now creating so much content for the web it’s vital to be able to explain your content to the search engines so it ranks well at the same time as being on top of user experience so your visitors have a great time on your website.
Marketers love a strap lines but search engines don’t
Straplines and phrases are things that we spend ages discussing and creating but the chances are people won’t be searching for them.
There are lots of ways to create attractive, engaging web content that still targets the phrases people are actually searching for.
A big topic within my SEO training course is learning how to target the right words & phrases. We’ll also look at searcher intent and ways to increase your exposure in the search results. I’ll show you some great research tools!
Once your listing is in front of the searcher it’s important to encourage the click. This is where Title Tag & META Description comes into play and learning how to write clickable titles is really important.
With just a little bit of extra time, knowledge and effort its easy to create attractive content that performs well in the search engine results.
Content is everywhere!
We can’t just create content in one format. We need to make sure that everything we create works well on all devices, especially mobile. We also need to learn how to re-purpose our content into different formats so written text can also be available as a video or infographic.
A big section of my SEO Training focuses on writing for the web. How to structure your pages and I’ll show you lots of techniques on how to improve user experience.
Affordable In House SEO Training
The technical side of SEO is important
When I’m out and about training I tend to find that the technical side of SEO is known about but not really understood. The skills within marketing teams are there to create fantastic content but when it comes to coding a page for the search engines the knowledge is not always there.
This is totally understandable as you’re marketing and not coding!
But, knowing what techniques are available and what to ask of your web developers can help you create a much better performing website, not just in search but also in usability.
Once the technical details are ticked off your content will be in perfect condition to rank.
Don’t mention Links!
Links are probably the most contentious side of SEO. So much has been written about backlinks and a lot of it is rubbish so knowing how to generate inbound links is important but learning what not to do with links is vital!
Advanced SEO
Helping the search engines understand more about your web page is a great way to increase your rankings and get more conversions. Topics like adding Schema Code, No-Follow Tags and 301 redirects need to be understood.
A marketer doesn’t need to be able to code these things but you need to know they exist so you can make sure the web developers are building advanced functionality into your websites and pages.
Helping the search engines to really understand what you are doing on your page is very important.
There’s a lot of high quality content out there that has never been discovered via search because its not fully optimised which is where my SEO Training can help.
Being able to create a web page that the search engines really understand is vitally important and can help to bring in better results.
I’ve trained many marketing departments & agencies all over the UK, its really enjoyable and people learn an awful lot!
Get in touch if you’re interested in some in-house training for your team.