Welcome to Not Another Marketing Podcast where I’m talking to Yong-Soo Chung, host of the First Class Founders podcast, serial entrepreneur and growth marketer. This week we’re talking Mastadon for marketers. Should we bother with it.
Episode 173
With all the drama surrounding Twitter you may have heard of Mastodon which is a decentralised social media platform much like Twitter and it’s been putting on millions of users over the last few months. But what exactly is it?
If you’re wondering what words like decentralised and Fediverse mean and want to know if Mastodon is worth your time then listen up.
This week I’m joined by Yong-Soo Chung who’s the host of the First Class Founders podcast, founder of the e-commerce brand Urban EDC & the founder of GrowthJet a Climate Neutral Certified third party logistics company.
We talk all things Mastodon.